Friday, October 30, 2015, the Society Against Sexual Orientation
Discrimination (SASOD) and the Guyana Equality Forum (GEF) officially
closed the Civil Society Public Policy Advocacy Training Programme,
following two three-day workshops at the Regency Suites Hotel,
Georgetown, over the past two months.
providing an overview of the project, Caribbean Public Policy research
and Training Consultant, Deborah Nurse shared that, “the project, which
started eight months ago, commenced with a research phase consisting of
two components. The first component included a data gathering element
designed to be an input into the training phase; it served to ascertain
the policy objectives, existing capacities, needs, challenges and
training/skill needs of GEF member and partner organizations. The
second component was a mapping study, which was designed to document
governmental policy and decision-making processes in Guyana. The
information gleaned from the baseline and mapping studies was used to
design the Civil Society Public Policy Advocacy Training Programme.”The
project was essentially designed to contribute towards the equitable
treatment of all peoples in Guyana by supporting efforts to strengthen
the participation of vulnerable persons and their representative
organisations through SASOD and the GEF in decision-making processes of
the state.
entire training programme provided an intensive and focused
introduction to the principles and practices of effective public policy
advocacy. It focused on how to conduct evidence-based advocacy and how
to strategically communicate with decision makers. There was a
practical component to the training, which allowed participants to
conduct ‘strategic inquiry’ – or intelligence gathering - with
politicians and other key decision makers on issues that they were
advocating for. Nurse highlighted that, “there are some very important
and exciting policy issues that participants focused on such as: Key
human rights and equality issues that should be included in the
government’s upcoming Gender Policy; Increasing access to physical,
sexual and mental health services in hinterland communities; Amending
the Prevention of Discrimination Act 1997 to include sexual orientation
and gender identity as grounds for discrimination; and Repealing the
laws criminalizing same-sex intimacy and cross-dressing laws, in
closing, Nurse, on behalf of the entire training team, expressed thanks
to SASOD and the Delegation of the European Union to Guyana for the
opportunity to facilitate the training and noted that the team looks
forward to the policy interventions and changes that will be occurring
in Guyana.”
Remarks were given by Bishop Francis Alleyne, Head of the Roman
Catholic Church in Guyana, who lauded SASOD and the GEF participants who
were in the training programme and for stepping forward and availing
themselves to increase their capacity to give voice to vulnerable groups
in Guyana. He also remembered Zenita Temall Nicholson and her passion
for working with vulnerable groups. He noted that their conversations
were for the most part about the vulnerability of the lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LBGT) community in Guyana. “Zenita did her
research, had data at her fingertips, she knew the statistics and was a
great help to me in widening my picture of life. She was on the ground,
near to some of the harsh realities that touch people’s lives, nearer
than I was. In one of our last conversations she offered to take me to
see the places where people suffer, places to which people are relegated
because there is no room for them either in the systems, in the public
policies or in the minds and hearts of others. Zenita was articulate,
had an ability as it were to market the issues, make them known, put
them into words that were more palatable and in that way to bring more
people into the conversation. I will miss her and miss those moments.”
In closing Bishop Francis urged the participants to continue to advance
their knowledge and skills. He noted that he hopes that they continue to
seek ways to take up the mantle that was carried by Zenita, and still
carried by others to give voice. “The society needs more people who
believe in the art of the possible, it needs more people who are
disposed to ask, listen and learn, more people fluent in the language of
respect, integrity and sacredness,” he added.
Jernej Videtič, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Guyana,
delivered the feature address. “The European Union is proud to have
provided financial assistance to SASOD in order to strengthen the Public
Policy Advocacy skills of the directors and members of different
non-governmental organizations represented here today. I furthermore
want to congratulate the different participants on their efforts made
during this training which will be of important use in their future
work. Last but not least, I want to compliment the trainers for the
programme they created for the benefit of the participants,” he stated.
Ambassador Videtič emphasised that, “the protection of vulnerable groups
in society is high on the human rights agenda of the European Union,
and cannot be reached without the efforts made by NGOs such as those
here today. Advocacy is an important element in this process and must
be exercised with the intention of building strong relationships with
different key players in order to positively influence decision-making
and strengthen democracy.” He noted that the training programme is a
very good example of partnership and coexistence that will benefit all
the participating NGOs. The Ambassador highlighted that the European
Union believes in the importance of combining forces in order to stand
strong and united and reach common goals together. In concluding, he
urged the APNU+AFC government to strengthen its relationship with civil
society for the betterment of all its citizens. “Guyana and its new
Government, I am certain will in the future keep working towards a
strong society in which all of its citizens are treated equally, without
discrimination of any kind. I want to conclude with putting into words
my hope that you, as representatives of civil society will keep joining
forces in order to facilitate these important changes.”
Social Change Coordinator, Chelauna Providence delivered the vote of
thanks expressing gratitude to the European Union in Guyana for their
continuous support towards the advancement of human rights through
strengthening civil society in Guyana and for funding the Guyanese
Vulnerable Communities Capacities Strengthening Project. She also
thanked the civil society participants in the GEF for remaining
committed to the two-part training programme.
civil society representatives from NGOs in Georgetown, Berbice,
Essequibo and Linden completed the two-part training programme and were
certified. The participants reported that they have learned valuable new
skills, developed important new relationships with key stakeholders,
and gained a greater understanding of the complexities and challenges of
effective participation in Guyana’s public policy processes.

Standing: Civil society participants with facilitators, Gordon Floyd and Deborah Nurse.
Seated: SASOD's ACO, Schemel Patrick and guest speakers, Ambassador Videtic and Bishop Alleyne.
two-part, six-day training was facilitated by the project’s three
consultants drawn from the Commonwealth, Gordon Floyd; Caribbean,
Deborah Nurse; and Guyana, Kesaundra Alves.
Civil Society Public Policy Advocacy Training Programme is the central
component of the Guyanese Vulnerable Communities Capacities
Strengthening Project, which is funded by the Delegation of the European
Union to Guyana through a grant to SASOD.
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